I’ve had some great feedback on my post last week about compassion for the moth and fly. It was such a great metaphor for life, wasn’t it?
One thing I hear from my clients, people I meet, or overhear while waiting in line while I’m out and about is, “I don’t have time.” There’s not enough time to:
- Get together with someone you haven’t seen for a year or more
- Reach out to let someone know they are special to you and in your thoughts (I love doing this!)
- Go to bed earlier and get the rest you need
- Plan and prep healthy food for the week
- Get the exercise you’ve been meaning to do
- Meditate and give yourself time to connect with your SELF
- Stop “doing” and “BE” for a few minutes each day – absorb the beauty, breeze, blessings you have
Geez, my energy is sapped just typing that list!
There is always time for what you make a priority in your life, for what you think is most important. Is the busy To Do List really most important? What would happen if not everything on your list gets done? What really is a priority, and what are things you’re pushing yourself to do—where the only pressure is coming from you?
You should know by now that multi-tasking isn’t effective. Our brains are not wired to multi-task. Something or someone is going to suffer in that scenario. Kids know when you pick up your phone that you are not paying attention to them. My dogs will give a big “hrumph” and lay down reluctantly if I pick up my phone before we leave for our walk. They know that thing in my hand means they have to wait. That’s why my phone stays at home when we walk; walk time is doggie time.
Yesterday while sitting at a stoplight, I noticed people on both sides of me were on their phones. Instead of my usual irritation for why people can’t live 2 seconds without being on their phones, I had an idea. What if, instead of reaching for your phone at a stoplight you practiced something more uplifting and beneficial? Take that time to express your gratitude and repeat positive phrases that make you feel great with my Stoplight Affirmations!”
For those of you who say you don’t have time to say your affirmations or write in your gratitude journal—I just found one for you. You can practice this sitting in traffic too and have a positive commute. Here’s a few to get you started:
Lori’s Stoplight Affirmations:
- I am so happy and grateful that I have a dependable automobile to drive
- I am so happy and grateful for my friends and family
- I am so happy and grateful to be surrounded by beautiful scenery
- I am so happy and grateful to have people who love me, and people I love
- I am so happy and grateful for all of the money I have received in my life
- I am so happy and grateful for my heath
- I am so happy and grateful I have special talents and skills that allow me to help other people and contribute to my business/company
- I am so happy and grateful….(your turn)
Doesn’t that feel better than looking at your phone or getting irritated that the stoplight is taking so damn long to turn? I have a long light by my house, I’ve timed it to see why it feels so long…’tis only 60 seconds.
In addition to making you feel better, now you don’t have to worry about the cops seeing you texting and giving you a ticket. (In Colorado you can be fined for texting at the light and I suspect we’re not the only state.)
Will you join me in this fun, refreshing exercise? Will you make the choice to be different than everyone who thinks their phone is part of their hand?
Post below and say “Yes, I commit to practicing Stoplight Affirmations.”
Let’s uplift this planet with some Positivity!