Welcome to Episode 1 of The Success Whisperer Profiles!
Today I have something different for you. I’ve had this idea in my pocket for a while because, well you know I love success stories and sharing things that will inspire you. Personal, real stories? Those are the best!
Welcome to the first episode of The Success Whisperer Profiles. In this episode, I talk with Cindy Welch an artist who shares her story and journey to following her dream…on a full time basis.
I just love talking to creative people, they see, hear and feel the world differently. And the good news is, even YOU have creative talents. Maybe you just haven’t exercised them lately.
Listen to Cindy’s story and post below to let me know what you like about this format.
Total duration is just under 30 minutes.
In times like 2020, there’s nothing better than inspiration to fuel your brain. And next time the audio quality will be better…
Want to see more of Cindy’s work? Check out her website
By the way, if you haven’t been introduced yet, there is someone I want you to meet.
Inspiration for your world,
Lori, The Success Whisperer