It’s so easy with all the information that is flying at us these days to take in bits and bites and assume you’ve got what’s going on, isn’t it?
It’s easy to look at someone who is walking by, sitting on the bench as you pass by and think a thought that may be judgmental just based on what you see. But how often are you wrong? And how many times do you even ask to see if you have the facts straight?
The pace that people are living makes it far too easy to live on auto-pilot. Without living consciously, and being invested in the moment of seeing or speaking to the person near you—how will you validate their situation in life today, and how you might be able to help them?
Do you let all the pictures and posts on social media define what happiness is? Do you assume other people live perfect lives and you are the only one with problems? Seriously?! You don’t really believe that do you? Stop to think of how many post things on social media to make themselves feel better. If they put it out there that life is good and their kids are wonderful you’ll think better of them, right?
Take a couple of minutes and view this video posted by my new friend Forrest Willett. He’s a fellow speaker I met when I attended Jack Canfield’s event. It’s a short and very powerful video.
Remember, when you’re caught up in worry, stress, the kids, the job and everything that has to do with you—how will you see the person you could serve today, even with a smile? It’s one of my favorite things to do, to give a compliment or smile to someone I may never see again. The act of kindness is contagious! And, it gets you out of your head and into a place of feeling good, and who knows you may even find gratitude in the moment. And that is the energy of life!