Actually, oops couldn’t be farther from reality—this was an intentional creation, to be clear a manifestation of something I put out there.
I just LOVE thinking of something new, envisioning it, then setting and achieving the goal to create it! It’s been such a learning experience to understand how goal setting, intention, visualization and belief all intersect.
My latest creation finally came when I made the choice to let go and stopped attempting to define the specific outcome I wanted. Yes, I’ve said repeatedly that it’s important to focus on what you want, however, when that focus turns into, “where the hell is it?” or “why is it taking so long?” Or just letting life and every “oops” happen to you. It’s much better to get off the energy of lack (which drives it away) and into the vibration of what feels good (which pulls it in).
This is something I read so long ago, and it wasn’t until recently that I was able to really understand what it meant and apply it. And when I did? I went from frustrated, discouraged and feeling stuck (the first few months of this year were like a living hell) to seeing the manifestation of something huge show up in less than 30 days.
This is something I put out there with “wishful thinking” 5 years ago. The goal was set in earnest two years ago with no clue how I would get from where I was, to where I wanted to be.
This was bigger than me, a seemingly impossible jump, just like the photo I have on my vision board. And from what I’ve created in the past, I knew there was a way and I just needed to trust that it was “doable.” Remember my ITCIC mantra? If Tiger Can I CAN…I did, step one.
To celebrate this latest monster victory, I’m putting together a couple of new webinar classes (since I can’t bottle this and deliver it to you). I want to help you feel as great about life and celebrate your victories—for whatever you truly want in life; more money, an awesome relationship, a child, sustainable weight loss, more passion and fulfillment, less anxiety, more balance and peace…
Anything—absolutely Anything is Possible!
In gratitude – Lori, The Success Whisperer