It’s the smell of nitro in my nostrils, a slight burning sensation coupled with the excitement of being at Mile High Nationals at Bandimere for the drag races. I remember the first time I went, it was 1994 and some friends had invited my ex and I to attend. The Pro Stocks went down the track, cool, the motorcycles flew past and I thought how do you get the balls to do that?

Then the first funny car went blasting past, it reached it grabbed me in the chest, reverberated throughout my body and I was hooked! Then when the big boys lined up, it was all she wrote. The top fuelers were even better. That speed, that sound, that vibration, that energy!!!
I’ve only missed one year except when I was in So Cal. But racing at sea level is a different game than here in Denver. Sure they go faster, but the hogbacks just cradle that energy and wrap you up in it.
I love speed, and driving both a funny car and top fueler are on my bucket list. It’s one thing to watch, but being able to drive it? Would be a killer experience.
So I’m off to let my inner tomboy out and spend time with Little Lori (aka inner child). I’ve been working hard, getting a lot of wonderful things done and now it’s time to play! Friday night under the lights, ah one of my favorite things.