How often do you hear that?
More importantly, how often do you say I appreciate you?
These are really powerful words, that can change the flavor and feel of a conversation, or make a huge difference in someone’s day. Think about how good it feels to have someone take the time to say they appreciate you.
I DO appreciate each and every one of you—my readers—for taking the time to read the things I share to inspire, encourage and enlighten you to new thoughts and ideas. I appreciate that you are in my world and understand that growth in this life is important. Life is unpredictable, the road twists and turns in ways you may not have seen coming, which underscores the need for us to share positive sentiments with each other on a regular basis vs. infrequently.
What if you looked for opportunities to share “I appreciate you” every day?
Last month, my neighbor was seriously injured in a horrific automobile accident. He spent 15 days in the hospital before his heart and other organs could no longer carry forward due to the severity of his brain injury, and they had to let him go.
I live in a new community—no one has been here more than two years. It was amazing how everyone reached out to help the wife and two young children. An incredible bond has formed in the line of a terrible tragedy for a young family, that will last for a very long time.
Not only am I far more conscious when I’m driving as a result of this, on a daily basis I make a point of reaching out to someone to let them know they are special to me, or to let another know that I miss them, or just to offer words of encouragement. And just like taking time to write in my gratitude journal in the morning, this practice has had a profound impact on my life.
What can you do, to say I appreciate you? And keep it an active part of your daily conversations?
…By the way, there is a great deal of prominent fear-based coverage in the news lately. Remember that you have a choice where you focus your thoughts (what you read, watch, or discuss). I’ll remind you again, that you can live in FEAR or Gratitude, but not both at the same time. You can be in ANGER or Love, but not both at the same time.
Choose carefully what you want to absorb when you encounter constant messaging full of FEAR that causes panic to some. My recommendation is to increase your time spent in Gratitude.