It’s been awhile, I know. Moving into my new home has consumed most of my time and energy. From painting bathrooms, custom closet, pantry and linen shelves, and now staining the deck. Today new trees and bushes are being planted in my backyard and I’m thrilled! This is yet another manifestation of my dream, and something prominent on my vision board this year. This adds privacy, more color and beauty to garnish the view from my deck. It’s a Lori-esque style mini-arboretum.
Although I haven’t been in touch I’ve thought about you often and missed the interaction we share through my Weekly Wisdom posts.
Now that the weather is warm I’m functioning on all cylinders and loving every day. It’s easy to wake up early when the sun beckons me to rise and engage in the freshness of the morning. Niko, Kiska and I walk early to avoid the heat of the daytime. Nature abounds…
Niko has had a couple of loud conversations with a coyote, around 1:30 am. The birds have found my new Feng Shui fountain and enjoy drinking from it and hanging out on my plants on the front porch.
One very pretty momma birdie (I don’t know what type) seized an opportunity—albeit a bit misguided. I didn’t think much of it at first. I saw momma and poppa quickly fly away when I opened the front door. The ledge is narrow, an inch at most and I thought it was a stopover before getting a drink from the fountain. My door is over 8 feet high, and she ultimately decided that this ledge at the top of my front door was a perfect spot for a nest.
I was intrigued by what she was doing and she completely surprised me with her engineering degree – okay innate engineering skills. Over the course of two days, she built a nest that was wider that the ledge. And although I was impressed by her opportunistic tenacity, after making sure no babies were there, I had to encourage her to build elsewhere. (I did tell her to come back today and build a nest in one of the new pine trees in the backyard!)
This experience really got me thinking about how creative and opportunistic she was, and how quickly she adjusted to the feedback that this wasn’t her new home (she hasn’t been back since I humanely removed the nest). It begs the question, how far do you stretch yourself? How often do you use your innate skills to seize an opportunity that is right in front of you? Are you tuned in to your surroundings on a daily basis?
If you’re wrapped up in your To Do list and consumed with all there is to do, I suspect you’re missing opportunities right in front of you that will either provide feedback to move you forward, or allow you the creative space to thrive in a way you didn’t even suspect. Why do I say that? Because that’s just the way life is. Information and experience is everywhere for you when you expect and look for it.
I just held our annual Performance Coaching Client Mastermind Retreat in Vail the first weekend of June. It is such an amazing experience to be together with like-minded people who are committed to creating the life they want to live and soaking in the inspiration of Vail mountain, Gore Creek and more. I returned re-energized, relaxed and grateful for my clients and their individual journeys.
And now, just as the planting of my trees and bushes is complete, mother nature is granting me with the gift of complimentary water. I remain inspired by nature!
Stay tuned in to your surroundings this week, there are huge benefits and guidance to be gained.