Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, expect to be treated with respect. You don’t have to earn it, it’s something you deserve because you’re a human being. If during the course of your life you didn’t get a huge dose of self-esteem, or due to life circumstances, your self-esteem got knocked down, that doesn’t mean that you are any less than any other person. You still deserve respect—even if you don’t get that yet.
I spent too many early years looking for acceptance from other people, it’s not a road I recommend taking, but my wires were crossed. At the time I didn’t understand that bending over backwards, and attempting to be what other people wanted me to be or do, would not earn their respect.
Commanding respect starts with how you treat yourself, what you eat, and drink, how much stress you take on, how much sleep you get, prioritizing time to workout, getting fresh air and who you engage with. You command respect beginning by how you treat other people, paving the way with respect for others creates the path for it to flow back to you. As an Alpha Female (or male) you’ve got to know where to create boundaries, and when to stand your ground to protect them.
We are all equal on this planet, in essence no one is really any better than anyone else. We just have different talents and skill sets. I learned early on in sales, contrary to what many people think, that the Admin/Executive Assistants were the individuals who would help me or block me when calling on a new executive I wanted to meet with. Power doesn’t just come to the wealthy, the business owners, or executives. Power is something you claim and expect and it’s tethered to your belief system.
Four years ago December, I waved the white flag. Everything I attempted to do to help women with eating disorders failed. I was bringing in about $200 a month which hardly paid the bills. Then I stumbled on the opportunity to be an Elf during the holiday season for $15 an hour. That’s great money when you have nothing! I made it fun and enjoyed the kids and the Santa’s I worked with. In 2014 it got even worse, but through the journey I found the path that had my name on it. I invested the time and energy to change my beliefs and started a business focus that utilizes my gifts, and within two and a half years, I paid off over $100k in business debt. That brought me magnificent feeling of freedom.
If you’re ready to become more powerful, to increase your belief in yourself and to eliminate the beliefs that hold you back from what you want in this life…I’m here to help you. There is no reason to wait because the stars will never all align and create the “perfect time” for you to take action.
Your current situation may not be as dire as mine was, but I talk with people just like you who are miserable, they feel stuck and don’t know where to go next. Some people have big plans, but they don’t know how to execute them. The reason I coach individuals, hold events and speak for conferences is to offer hope, and teach you the practical tools that will help you to realize that ANYTHING is Possible. I am living proof of that.
This is a very special one day offer to attend my GPS to Success Seminar on January 20, 2018 at less than half the investment. It’s my Cyber Thursday deal! The seminar includes a full day of discovery, clarity and goal setting, I’m buying lunch and including four quarterly follow up calls to give you accountability and encouragement. Come join me to learn the Success Principles and tools I personally use and teach to help you reach the next level.
Clients who attend my programs and coach with me find clarity, they get promoted, improve their financial situation, create freedom and build the path to live the life of their dreams. And that’s what I want for you!
This offer expires at midnight on December 1st.
Register now and save $250 on your $397 investment (only $147).
If you want results, you’ve got to take action.