Are there things you want to do that are still waiting for your attention? Are there things you really want to do that you haven’t because they’re too far down the list behind all the things that need to be done? And what about those items that stay on the list day after day and nag you—do you have some of those?
All the things you need to do get weighted down by clutter. And clutter can be created by having too many To Do lists! Clutter can also be the nagging voice in your head that reminds you that you were going to start a diet January 2nd. Clutter can be the mess on the dining room table that drives you nuts, or the mess in the garage or basement. Clutter can be “noise” from an unhealthy relationship.
It’s easy to create clutter, but how to you get out from under it? As many of my coaching clients have seen in the past year, by eliminating clutter you create space for new experiences—and that results in a FREE brain. What if your mind wasn’t cluttered with all the shoulds, ought tos and must dos? Wow – what a boost of freedom that would be huh?
Here’s three tips to use if you want to clear your conscience, reduce the nagging in your head, get a grip on the To Do lists and create a visually pleasing spot free of clutter:
- Put 45 minutes on your calendar titled “Clear the Clutter.” Ahem, it’s okay to do this, you deserve the time. Everything else can wait!
- Get a big piece of paper or white board and dump everything that’s racing around in your head on it.
- Create categories for what needs to be done and prioritize the items under each category.
You’ll find by putting everything down in one place you can get your arms around it and come up with a plan of attack. Inspiration will hit once it’s all down and visible on a white board.
Maybe it’s time to hire a housekeeper so you have more time with the kids or your significant other. Maybe you can offload some tasks to other members of the family so you can get to the gym. Let go of the twenty reasons why you are the only one who can do this. It will be okay, really.