This is such a special time of year.
I’m back in the saddle after taking a couple of weeks off to reflect on 2023 and tune in to what is most important to prepare and share with you in 2024.
I’ve gone a little rogue this year in preparing my vision board. It has a totally different feel, from the poster board I used, to the how and where it is displayed. Change is good.
I use a vision board in the same way as writing down goals. It’s a visual reminder I review every day, that helps me keep these things top of mind.
There are numerous studies about the benefits of writing down your goals. On average, people that write down their goals are 42% more likely to reach them than those who don’t. It helps you to get clear on what you want. Did you write yours down yet? Here’s a short video of a few things for you to think about as you begin the New Year. Take two minutes to listen.
(for women) Jan 10: Group Coaching call
4-5:30 MT
Jan 24: Office Hours call
4-5:00 MT
Haven’t join yet? Start the New Year off with a boost of inspiration from a community of like-minded women.
Group coaching, Q&A and connection await you. Join us!
Register Today
New Coaching Classes for 2024
Next week we’ll be releasing details on a new course developed to support you as you begin the New Year.
Whether you’re goal is to improve your:
– physical health
– financial health
– mental health or
– make a shift in your life’s purpose and career, we’ve got a special way to support you.
I’ve had people ask about access to coaching in a group setting, and that’s what we are going to do.
This course will help you add clarity where you need it, confidence where you want it, inspiration to boost your momentum and…for those who need it, a schedule which breeds accountability in for you. You’ll be prepared to go beyond what you think is possible.
It can be fun and exciting, yet sometimes you just want and need that additional secret sauce, the outside influence (that’s me) to keep you going. You can do, be or have anything you want. If you don’t believe that yet, that is exactly where we’ll start.