If we were meeting for a cup of joe and I asked, “What are the best things happening in your life right now…today?”
How many things could you rattle off?
When you are in the habit of looking for the things that are working in your life…it’s easy.
But if your day starts focused on what you’re worried about, your perspective is quite different.
Worrying can be easy, it’s habitual and sucks you in. Before you realize it, your day is in the tank…you don’t feel inspired.
Instead, you’re consumed with worry and negativity.
Be it world events, politics, your marriage, your kids, your neighbors, your boss or your co-workers.
There are so many choices of things to worry about! If you’re looking for them.
Sniffing Out the Drama
I’m in discussions with a company to facilitate sessions between female and male workers to reduce the perception of gender bias and create a more collaborative, comfortable working environment. It’s a historically male dominated industry, as many are.
Many workplaces lose truckloads of productive time to drama between co-workers. Communication issues, politics, game-playing and behavior that is a far cry from a professional work environment. Unfortunately, this issue is far too common.
I’ve had multiple conversations in the past month with people who hate their co-worker or work environment.
That is no way to spend your day. That’s a lot of negative, toxic, wasted energy that drains your energy, can make you overly-emotional, and affects your qualify of life.
What if it was different?
A Warm, Wonderful Workplace?
If you’ve spent time working for someone else, you probably have stories. Most of us do.
One of the reasons you go to work for a company, is benefits (in addition to that paycheck you love or depend on).
Can you imagine interviewing for a company with a potential boss who tells you about all the benefits of each person you’ll work with?
How the company “oozes” great leaders and really is like a family.
People genuinely care about each other and support each other.
This person tells you their success is due to the team creativity, collaboration, and communication.
Starting with the Executive leadership team and down through the ranks.
As you listen, you are thinking, “Well I’ve heard all this before…”
Then you go to work there, and it IS Xanadu! It’s actually REAL.
The experience of being there is supportive, kind, professional… and FUN!
It’s full of trust and respect and because of that, the company is ultra-successful.
You receive more vacation time, bonuses, savings plans…but the environment blows you away.
You accomplish more here than you ever have before, because of the culture.
What if that type of culture could be created and seen as valuable? And a huge shift occurred?
Hey, I can DREAM, can’t I?
This infectious energy would flow into every aspect of your life.
And your qualify of life would improve. That’s how it happens.
I’ll ask once more, what are the best things in your life experience today?
You can start your personal shift by answering this question every day.