Do you consider yourself an accomplished storyteller?
What stories do you tell and who do you tell them to?
Maybe you’re not the one in the room that can tell the joke and deliver the punchline so that everyone laughs…but I’ll bet you’re a storyteller.
How do I know?
Why would I say that?
Because you tell stories all day long.
You tell yourself stories all day long through the thoughts you think.
Whether uplifting or degrading.
You tell stories to other people you see on a regular basis.
– You want people to understand your point of view about things that happen to you.
– You repeat the stories of what happened and how it made you feel. So people listening agree with your perspective…whether uplifting or degrading.
– You tell stories about of the labels you wear at this point in your life, how you earned them, how you know they fit. You wear these labels proudly, even if they aren’t flattering, don’t really fit and don’t look good on you.
“I was born this way…I could never do that…I’ve always done it this way…”
Do you ever stop and think about the stories you tell?
What are you repeating over and over again, even though it may not actually be true?
(Despite convincing yourself it is.)
One of the best things you have in life is—a choice.
You have a choice what you think about.
You have a choice what things you say.
You have a choice how you treat other people.
You have a choice to react (might regret it) or to respond.
You have a choice what you think about yourself:
…your health, your financial situation, your level of success and the choices you’ve made up until now.
And you have a choice to select a new and different direction from the one you’ve been pursuing.
The best thing about choice is you get to make it.
You decide to spend the money or not.
You decide to attend the event or not.
You decide to change careers or not.
You decide to stay in the relationship or not.
You decide who you want to spend your time with…and those you do not.
You make a choice and then things changed.
Great! Now you get to make another choice, a new choice. What’s next?
Where do you want to go?
What’s that thing you’ve talked about doing since before the world shut down?
Is it still important?
If it’s still a high priority are you making plans to do it?
Is it on your calendar?
You Could Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
You have the ability to be in the 2% of people that make a conscious choice to step out of your comfort zone.
Most people won’t do it because it’s unfamiliar and it involves change.
They let their fears, insecurities and desire to “fit in” stop them.
They procrastinate, they settle, and they stay in a place where it’s just okay.
What stories are you telling yourself about what you really want to do?
When are you going to change your stories and take a step up to your Next Level?
Need a boost to get you going? Let’s talk and explore it together.
You have NO Limits