This is my acronym that keeps my new inspirational mantra top of mind, ITCIC. It’s pretty easy to remember, and has a nice ring to it (which the subconscious loves!).
There are so many opportunities to observe and be inspired by someone on this planet every day. Social media has made “everyone” seemingly within reach. You may know more now about your favorite musician, athlete, or artist than you ever had opportunity to before.
It’s been a week since I sat riveted on the couch cheering Tiger Woods on to win The Masters. Whether you like him or not—this was an amazing come back. (And one that my golf buddies in California at Robinson Ranch said would never happen, and I told them it would!)
We’re talking about one of the strongest minds in sports. Combined with a commitment and the belief that it could happen, it finally did!
I wanted it to happen, I love the domination factor when paired with finesse and great sportsmanship. I have mad respect for Michael Jordan, Andre Agassi, Dale Earnhardt, Steffi Graf, Martina Navratilova, Chrissy Evert, Rafa Nadal and of course Tiger. I didn’t receive the gift of pro athletic ability.
Part of my fascination with successful sports people is how they use their minds, how they prepare, how they set and break down goals to make the impossible—possible. It’s a very tangible way to share inspiration, and one that I attempt to convert into the business world on a regular basis.
In life, every one of us has had challenges, that provide opportunities for growth (or to bitch and complain if you choose). What Tiger went through, from the public humiliation of the “scandal” and breakup of his marriage, to his body giving out had to present major life challenges for him. Then going through numerous surgeries to relieve pain so he could get out of bed and walk, not knowing if he would ever play again. Can you imagine the prospect of never being able to do what you’re passionate about and love again?
While I do not condone the behavior that led to his divorce, I did make the choice to continue to watch and see how mentally tough he was. My failed business and financial melt-down was in my world, people only knew if I told them. It was incredibly challenging, but my body didn’t breakdown, and everybody wasn’t reading tabloids and judging me.
ANYTHING is Possible
I’ve proven it over and over again in my own life and the lives of my clients. Tiger just took it to a new level, as only he can do. This lead to my new inspirational acronym, “If Tiger can, I can (ITCIC).”
My hope is that you will be inspired by someone or some thing this week that encourages you to give more than you planned, practice more than you expected to, serve on a bigger level, and lead your pack to collaborate and be authentic.