As I’m putting the finishing touches on my new keynote program, “The Passion Accelerator,” that I’ll be delivering for the Steamboat Springs, CO 1st Annual Women’s Leadership Summit on Oct 4th, and I’m in full inspiration mode. I love creating new programs that will inspire (and entertain) the people who come to listen.
Being creative is a wonderful break from the routine and repetitive tasks you do on a daily and weekly basis and will provide a high energy boost for you. The process of mixing things up, experimenting with something new, and just being open to the inspiration that shows up is incredibly powerful – and freeing.
So what makes the difference between people who become outrageously successful, and those who don’t?
Successful people learn to be comfortable, being uncomfortable.
And to demonstrate that, the quote below just showed up and waved at me to take notice as it is a prime example of the statement above.
“So many people are frightened to take a chance in life and there’s so many chances you have to take, I’m attracted by the unknown, but I take precautions. I don’t go walking into things blind.”
– Jimmy Page, Guitarist, Led Zepplin
Jimmy knew the direction he wanted to take the “New Yardbirds” as they were known before changing their name to Led Zeppelin. He funded their first tour in Scandinavia and the recording of their first album out of his own pocket. It was a wise gamble on his part as they sold millions of albums in 1969!
True to his quote, when Zeppelin released “Houses of the Holy,” critics like Rolling Stone’s Gordon Fletcher didn’t know what to make of the album. He called it “one of the dullest and most confusing albums I’ve heard this year.”
The album was certified 11 times platinum in the US alone. Another success from stepping out of their comfort zone and changing up the style of what they had released on previous albums. (Read more about how Zeppelin was formed.)
Inspiration is everywhere. It’s yours for the taking. You grow up, become “responsible” and march to the command of your “To Do” list. You forget how to imagine, and play, and entertain the thought of doing anything you want to do – all things you did on a daily basis at the age of 4-5 years old.
This is why my new Passion Accelerator series is so important! To bring you back to the creative spaces you left behind and help you connect with what you’re passionate about.
Which begs the question, what difference could a fresh dose of inspiration and creativity make in your life today?