It’s been a bit of a crazy week. My sister got married on Friday and my twin nephews flew in from Chicago to surprise us. After her beautiful, emotional wedding to her childhood friend, I found myself with unexpected company for the weekend. It brought a great deal of fun, laughter and joy into my world, but threw off my planned schedule.
Niko couldn’t get enough of the twins. He never gets on the couch, but crawled up there for a snuggle with both of the boys. He was soaking in that masculine energy!
This little scenario can lead to lots of frustration about what did or didn’t get done over the weekend because I had plans. I finally had a weekend with nothing scheduled which would allow me to get caught up on some work projects. But I made a choice, it’s one I’m getting better at. I chose to enjoy the time I had with family. So I set up brunch on Sunday for 16 of us and rolled with it.
Life is actually easy, but we make it hard because we get all caught up in what should have happened, what didn’t happen, and then create drama to go along with it. Do you find yourself telling everyone about how things didn’t go as planned at work or home? Uh-huh, it’s a deeply ingrained habit and easy to get sucked in to because things didn’t go your way. But things usually turn out better than you or I had planned!
What would your life be like if you didn’t get emotionally caught up in every experience? How much easier would your life be if you just made the choice to be happy? That’s really the only choice you need to make in life; whether you want to be happy—or not.
I avoid being around the chronic complainers on a regular basis. The individuals who get caught up in their story of why things aren’t they way they want them to be. Have you noticed, every time you see these people they are full of excuses: ranging from why they were late, what happened to cause the latest round of drama and now what they “have” to do because of it. And they really feel compelled to tell the whole story including the smallest details. Energy vampires!
Just close your eyes for a minute and imagine your life in flow, see everything happening with you just observing it. You’re not upset, you’re not stressed out, you’re not worrying, you’re happy—because you made the choice to be happy no matter what happens in your life. Simple decision—big impact.
What if you were unstoppable? What if you had clarity on your future, your goals and where you want to go? What if you were passionate about life and had NO stress. It can happen and I will give you the tools you need to embrace a life of happiness, passion, success, fulfillment and health.
What if you made the choice not to complain, to take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life? And what if by December 31, 2017 you have accomplished more than you have in five years?
I have a special invitation for you! Are you ready to take the step to live life fully, to be in the moment and choose to be happy no matter what? Join me on April 29th for the GPS to Success, High Performance Tools to get from where you are to where you want to be.
Every person who attended this seminar in January rated it a 10 on a scale of 1-10. It’s that powerful.
Don’t live in Denver? It’s worth the trip to attend this full day seminar. This is a game-changer.
This gives you the competitive edge to do anything. This is my passion; what I love to do, helping you realize that your dream life can be your reality. I’ll show you how to get comfortable moving forward into new territory.
Take advantage of the early bird offer, save 50% when you register by March 9th.
You must act quickly, seats are limited and the offer ends next Thursday.