Is there something lurking in the back of your mind that you want to do or have been thinking about doing, but just haven’t found the spark or motivation to start yet? It could be your creative brain reaching out to you, looking for a moment of your time to contemplate the strategy behind this “thing.”
If you’re a “doer” this is a challenging task because it doesn’t necessarily involve a beginning, middle and end where the reward is checking it off your list. The whispers, nudges and recurring thoughts in the back of your mind are likely more strategic, offer more reward, and—yes will require courage and stepping out of your comfort zone to accomplish them.
My creative brain resurfaced when I started to write lyrics for songs I recorded starting back in ’02. At the time, I didn’t consider myself creative anymore. Yet, I was creative at solving problems, issues and puzzles in my corporate sales gig at the time. But what started as the first set of lyrics blossomed into 13 songs, new melodies and eventually the first of the now five books I’ve written.
Creativity continued to blossom in the form of seminars, retreats and all of the things I’ve created that I’m passionate about (to help attendees and clients). What I had to learn in the process of “being creative” is that you cannot control or dictate the timeline. From being a project management consultant and a professional sales person – everything was driven by deadlines. And yeah, the creative process just sticks its tongue out and says, “I’ll be ready when I’m ready.” It is an adjustment when you’re used to marching to the beat of the impending deadline.
Here are 3 Steps to Spark Your Creative Motivation and move you forward on your next creative journey, regardless of what your passion is!
- Change Your Routine
This will create space for the thoughts to manifest. Go for a walk, a drive somewhere different, or go sit in a different coffee shop, hotel lobby or visit a museum. Someplace that is out of the norm for you. - Carry a Notepad or Journal with You
While you’re in the incubation period, carry paper with you wherever you go. This is different than typing on the computer or on your phone – allow the creativity to flow from pen to paper. This may be for a couple of weeks or more as you open up to the energy and let the thoughts come to you at a conscious level - Spend Time in Stillness
Whether it’s early in the morning or late at night, create quiet time to sit and listen…with your heart. This is a different exercise than sitting and analyzing with your head! Stillness is a gift we all have that isn’t used enough, and is like going to the well, or the wealth of internal wisdom you possess. It’s a powerful place.
It’s possible that with the change of seasons you may find a new thought or inspiration lurking, it’s common for me. And I’m always inspired when I fly as I’m away from the To Do list and am in a place where I can Be vs Do.
Slow down this week and listen to the message that is knocking at the door to your heart. It promises to bring wonderful rewards, growth and gratitude.
Live inspired!
Lori – The Success Whisperer