If you’re like many people I know, you wait for a “better” time to start the new project, the new diet, the new exercise plan, or the process of looking for a new job. Whatever the “it” is in your life, I got some news for ya—waiting will not bring a “better” moment because there is no perfect time to start.
My clients sometimes tell me about the drama going on in their lives the past week, and say that as soon as that clears up, they will be on their way to achieving their big goal. But guess what happens? When those emotional dramas pass, there’s more right in front of you. More convenient excuses to wait to move forward toward your destiny.
Perhaps for you it’s all the things on the To Do List. I’ve been there. “I just need to finish up this project, complete that task and take care of these things and then I’ll start.” Three weeks later my “it” was still waiting to be started. I don’t know about you, but I hate that. I don’t like postponing things that are more strategic for my business and move me forward in a big way.
What’s really going on? It’s deeper than the drama and To Do List. Are you scared to move out of your comfort zone? Are you nervous about the level of effort it will reach to knock your new goal out of the park? Are you worried that you might not do it right, and fail? All quite rational excuses you say…not so fast!
The Universe rewards action. When you move forward, when you step out of your comfort zone you get information. Based on that feedback you’ve either made great strides toward your goal, or you learned something valuable about how to adjust your plan of attack. Maybe the information you received brought you someone to collaborate with. Maybe you gained a new source of accountability. And maybe the message was, that your “it” isn’t the right thing for you to do.
But as long as you sit home in your rocking chair, sending updates to Facebook and LinkedIn, the longer it will take you to manifest what you want.
Do you really want it? Then go for it and start TODAY!! No more waiting, no more excuses. You deserve it.