What makes a difference for you, beyond quotas and your ordinary New Year’s goals?
Where do you want to be in one year?
How do you want to FEEL in one year?
What is driving your desires, beneath the surface?
Do you want to be debt-free one year from now?
Do you want to donate $25,000 to the cause near and dear to your heart in 2025?
Do you want to have more energy, a clearer mind, to be more mentally certain and stable?
What people in your life do you truthfully need to let go of and move away from? Those individuals who are toxic and bring you down (I call them energy vampires).
Do you want more confidence, joy and happiness in the next 365 days?
Do you want to expand your professional network and really feel part of something worthy and worthwhile? A place where you can get your needs met and serve others too?
Do you want to develop consistent morning habits to get grounded and be intentional about how you start your day?
What REALLY matters?
Why does it matter to you?
Block 45-minutes on your calendar and explore the answers to the what and why… Do this in the next three days (by Friday the 3rd).
It’s easy to set goals to lose weight, hit your revenue goals, increase your income, take that special family trip, to buy the new car. But what will you find when you make time to dig deeper into why you want it?
Follow this exercise up with ways to help you keep these dreams, desires and goals in front of you on a daily basis (you know, top of mind).
1 – Create a visual reminder: Vision Board or Book, or Screen Saver that you review daily.
2 – Create affirmations that you’ll say out loud in the morning when you wake and at bed before you sleep.
“I am enjoying my ability to contribute $25,000 to my charity…and how thrilled they were to receive it.” or “I am delighted to be, living debt-free” or
“I am enjoying the process of positive change for myself, my team and my company culture.”
3 – Visualize them as you say each affirmation.
Speak it out loud, then close your eyes to see and feel what it is like having it already done.
Just like the NBA players have a pre-shot routine for their free throws, this is your visualization for seeing and reaching your desires.
Take the step to the next level in 2025.
Be more intentional.
Dig below the surface.
Listen to the Whispers that will lead you to Success.
Your gut and inner guidance system know the way.
Happy Near Year 2025!
May all your dreams and desires reach you this year.
Want more? Schedule a call with me